FORLTC Guides and manuals
PDF Download: Resident Council Manual
For more resources on Resident Councils including training videos, see our Resident Council Resource here.
PDF Download: How to Find Long-Term Care Services
PDF Download: What Level of Care is Right for You?
PDF Download: Tips for Choosing a LTC Facility
PDF Download: Faces of Long Term Care (Message to 2005 White House Conference on Aging)
PDF Download: Guide to Family Councils
PDF Download: LTC Resident Rights 1
NC Division of Health Service Regulation: List of Licensed Facilities
Step one: Click on this link List of Licensed Facilities
Step two: Scroll down to search option such as Nursing Home List By County
Step three: Look to the right and click on PDF for a downloadable reference guide to search for options.
FORLTC Fact sheets
(PDF downloads)
Helpful Links
Adult Children of Aging Parents
A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides a variety of educational programs that offer information, resources, support and community for adult-children as they care for their aging parents and for themselves.
The Audiology Project
Brain Injury Association of North Carolina
A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1982 by families and concerned professionals, who realized the need for more information, resources, training, and advocacy about brain injury. Their mission is to offer help, hope, and a voice for persons living with brain injury and their families.
Disability Rights North Carolina
A legal advocacy agency that fights for the rights of people with disabilities in North Carolina. They handle cases involving discrimination, abuse and other rights violations.
Eldercare Locator
A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families.
Guide to Recognizing Elder Abuse
Published by The National Council for Aging
Justice in Aging: COVID-19: 25 Common Nursing Home Problems & How to Resolve Them:
“Justice in Aging has updated its essential guide, 25 Common Nursing Home Problems—& How to Resolve Them. The revised guide includes, among other things, COVID-19 specific information, 2021 Medicare eligibility standards, and advice on how to refuse arbitration agreements under a recently revised federal regulation” (Justice in Aging, 2021).
Medical Malpractice Center
A group of online professionals in the legal and medical industry to educate the public about the risks of Malpractice in their everyday lives.
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care:
The Consumer Voice is the leading national organization representing consumers in issues related to long-term care, helping to ensure that consumers are empowered to advocate for themselves. They are a primary source of information and tools for consumers, families, caregivers, advocates and ombudsmen to help ensure quality care for the individual.
National Consumer Guide and Fact Sheets
Published by the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
National Clearinghouse for Long Term Care Information
Developed by the US Department of Health and Human Services
National Institute on Aging
of the US Department of Health and Human Services has helpful resources including resources for finding long term care facilities and more.
North Carolina Caregiver Portal
Sign up for on-demand answers for caregiving challenges. Explore online lessons, upcoming events, and participate in a private community chat with other caregivers.
North Carolina Department of Justice
The North Carolina Department of Justice is here to help seniors access long term care information and has created a guide for long-term care.
North Carolina Division of Aging
A division of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
North Carolina Division of Health Benefits: NC Medicaid and NC Health Choice
NC Medicaid is committed to providing access to Medicaid care and services to improve the health and well-being of North Carolinians. Contains link to Medicaid bulletins.
North Carolina Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Advocacy for residents in long-term care facilities. This link will provide you with the most updated contact list for Long-Term Care Ombudsman across the state.
NC Star Rating System for Adult Care Homes (Assisted Living)
Administered by the NC Division of Health Services Regulation
Nursing Home Abuse Center
Connecting consumers with personal injury legal resources
Office of Healthy Aging
The Office of Health Aging (OHA) serves as a hub for teaching, research, and service-related activities that advance healthy aging research. OHA further uses these activities to provide evidence-based services for diverse populations of people across the aging population, with a heavy focus on rural communities in southeastern and eastern North Carolina.
S.A.F.E. in Long Term Care Taskforce
Advocacy for Victims of Abuse: How to Engage Law Enforcement Care:
Presentation of the NC Long Term Care Ombudsman.
US Nursing Home Compare (Ratings system)
Administered by the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, this is a searchable ratings system with detailed information about every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the country.
Duke Family Support: Caregiver Connections has several recorded webinars under the topic of Long-Term Care Options
Centralina Area Agency on Aging: Recorded Webinars include Avoiding Pitfalls in Admission Agreements, Care in the Long Term, and more.